The David Spoon Experience 4-25-23 Part 2
1) A first on The Experience: Dave continues with the teachings from the first 30 minutes. Matthew 10 > Guess what? These trials, these difficult times, these Christian attacks, these unfair government principles, and these ridiculous persecutions all lead to the most important element of our faith: the opportunity to witness for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to testify of the kingdom of God. But don’t fear. The Holy Spirit will speak through you. So, the only preparation is to be in communion with the Lord.
2) Let us see. They hated Jesus. No, no, Dave, everybody loved Jesus. Is that why many will be on the road to destruction, and narrow is the path that leads to life? Hmmm. The truth is that Jesus told us we would be hated because of our allegiance to Him. The Bible says, “Woe to you when all men speak well of you.”
3) Back to Galatians: The Gospel is not based on human reasonings: hopefully, people will not misunderstand that this does not promote zero logical reasonings within the gospel framework. It means that it is not based on human reasonings, which have origins in men being the center of everything. Additionally, it's equally important to understand that Paul is trying to communicate that the vehicle that is chosen to engage with God is faith. You can't get saved without faith, no matter how good you look, smart, or self-righteous you act. All our righteousness is as filthy rags before the eyes of God.