The David Spoon Experience 4-24-23 Part 2
1) I am greatly disturbed: Oh boy, there won’t win any fans, but the truth doesn’t change. Science changes. People change. Government changes. Cultures change, BUT the truth never changes. The current culture exists in this fake self-righteous bubble called “I am offended.” The Media is directly complicit in this insanity. This is a key reason why God established His Word amongst the earliest of mankind. Because of humanity’s sinfulness, when people are offended, it is because they think they are God. And everybody should notice and care. HOGWASH. I call shenanigans. Who cares if we are disturbed? Get over it.
2) His wealth will bring him no joy, referring to the wealthy. But money makes everybody happy. This same goofiness ignores King Solomon’s warnings that wealth is NOT the answer. Money is not happiness. It is not evil unless the person’s full pursuit is money. It’s a mindset. Like positive thinking. Unless the home football team loses when it proves that being positive doesn’t always work.
3) The truth is that the wicked live to a good old age: Yes, they often do. Don’t be in denial. They do. Don’t always think people with money are more blessed. But that is when the believer needs to remember Psalm 73. And we all go oopsy daisy. Oy vey.