The David Spoon Experience 4-15-24 part 2
1) Today's teaching picks up at Genesis, Chapter 3, Verse 22. Adam and Eve have sinned, and God has meted out the penalties for their rebellion. God then declares that mankind has now entered into a new realm of knowing good and evil, having eaten from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This means that both good and bad will be produced. Man is not fundamentally good; his disobedience to God in the Garden demonstrates that he is fundamentally rebellious. That's why Jesus said all mankind was born in sin.
2) It is rather amazing that Adam and Eve did not consider going for the Tree of Life. Instead of seeking life, they sought power, authority, and equality with God, all under the guise of deception from the enemy. Say what you will, but in the Garden, is equality a selfish need to be equal or superior? It's interesting because Jesus came to be a servant.
3) A part of the penalty that doesn't get discussed quite often is that Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden and sent out to cultivate the ground. Their work would have been excellent if they had been able to cultivate in the Garden of Eden. But instead, because of their sin, they had to cultivate outside of the Garden, thereby making life tough instead of simple. Sin brought complexity to work.
4) This last portion of Chapter 3 is truly amazing. God not only banishes Adam and Eve from the Garden but also puts up a protective angelic guardian to preserve and keep the Tree of Life and the way of life. Because of mankind's sin, they could not just freely eat the fruit, and now it is guarded, only to be revealed as God deems fit. By the way, that revelation is Jesus Christ.