The David Spoon Experience 4-11-23 Part 2
1) The Apostle Paul writes that he is shocked that people are turning away so soon from God. The reason that Paul is shocked is that God is a God of love and mercy. The irony is that people turning away are NOT doing so because they’re unworthy. It is because the love and mercy from God are not enough to feed their flesh. In fact, this entire epistle revolves around the difference between the old man and the new man. Guess which one God prefers?
2) This next portion of scripture could easily be understood as the Gospel in a verse. It states that God shares eternal life, which He gives through Christ. You know by now that I love theology in a variety of ways. But I also love the power of the simplicity of the Gospel. And Paul, in another letter, was concerned that people would be removed from the simplicity of the Gospel. Here it is. God shares eternal life and gives the sharing and the eternal life through Jesus.
3) Paul then chastises the church by informing them that they’re following a different Gospel, a gospel that pretends to be the true Gospel. But it is not the true gospel. This should be a significant warning to every Christian. There are false gospels. There are false proclamations of God’s truth and Good News. There are false messiahs and false Jesuses. And the only way to distinguish what is false is to know what is true. That’s why the Scripture says, “Don’t be deceived.”