The David Spoon Experience 4-10-23 Part 2
1) If I have sinned, what is that to you: When we sin, it is a drag (job 35:6 ) If you sin, how does that affect him? If your sins are many, what does that do to him). But when we sin, the impact is harshest for ourselves in our engagements with the Lord. No, you and I won’t be cast aside. But, yes, you and I will have muddy waters. Our sin affects our relationship with God, but NOT our eternal relationship with God. We need to know the difference in order to keep the enemy from getting a foothold.
2) However, in this case, Job didn’t sin with his reaction to the trial. He passed with flying colors. He did falter after this, for about 29 chapters. But he initially did a stellar job. And then he dropped into the sinkhole because of his crummy interpretations of what was happening. Let’s see how many of us are just like Job.
3) Oh, that my words could be recorded. We are in luck. Yep, we never have to worry. Why? Because if God is omniscient, He knows every word. He knows every thought. He knows every feeling. He knows every possible nuance about us, including our breath. So, yeah…nothing to worry about.
4) Even after all of his post-trial whining, Job still has a moment of clarity. He recognizes that God lives now and forever. And when Job is done, and his body has decayed, there is a sliver of dramatic hope: without my body (translation literalistic), he will still, somehow, see God. His faith lives!