The David Spoon Experience 4-1-24 part 2
1) In Genesis Chapter 3, Verse 16, God reprimands Adam and Eve for their rebellion, which allowed sin to enter the world. This act opened the door to spiritual and physical death, and everything in between, including shame, pain, discomfort, stress, anxiety, and all other negative elements imaginable. All of these afflictions have befallen mankind due to man’s rebellion.
2) For Eve, the punishment is clear: she will bear children through intense pain and suffering. The original divine intent was for mankind to procreate without any discomfort. Although we use medicine now to alleviate the pain to a manageable level, God's intent was for pregnancies to be completely painless, resulting only in a beautiful outcome. Along with this, it is understood that a woman will be subject to her husband. It does not imply that every woman is subject to every man, but rather that a wife is subject to her husband.
3) God turns to Adam and lays the blame squarely on him: "You listened to your wife and did what I told you not to do. I’m cursing the ground. Your life will be a struggle. Thorns and thistles will sprout from your efforts. You will have to sweat to produce food." God’s original intent for mankind was to enjoy work without sweating, stressing, straining, or experiencing any poor results. Sin certainly disrupted this plan.
4) "From the dust you came and to the dust you will return." This is the origin of the common saying, "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust." It's not "dirt to dirt," but "dust to dust," as previously mentioned. Another sad consequence of sin is that humanity returns to the dust, a fate that was never part of God's original intent, but a result of man’s rebellion.