The David Spoon Experience 3-31-23 Part 2
1) There are so many great things that the Lord brings into our lives. There is no way that we can fully express our appreciation. But along with these MEGA cool blessings come requirements that involve becoming Christlike. It is awesome when Christlikeness involves answered prayers and miracles. It’s a little less awesome when Christlikeness involves growing up to look like Jesus.
2) When we earnestly prayed that we could be more like Jesus, God ignored that prayer. Just kidding. He logged that prayer. He has been answering that prayer your entire Christian journey. And even if you ask Him to put it aside awhile, he won’t. Because…God answers prayers. In His way and in his timing. So, it may be helpful to examine two distinct characteristics that God works in us to help us shine Jesus a little bit more in our lives.
3) This is useful to us in our walk with God because it helps us focus on the priority that God has established. Is that YOUR priority? Most likely, not so much. But it is the Kingdom’s priority. Ironically, when we come to maturity in the faith, we begin to understand just how much God despises pride. It hates it so much that He judged our worst enemy because of it. And He turned a king into a cow. This teaching is about two positive Christlike characters and one big no-no one. Ouch!