The David Spoon Experience 3-30-23 Part 2
1) While Paul and Barnabas are preaching. They’re having an impact on the community. Guess what happens when other people have an impact on the community? Leaders, whether religious or otherwise, tend to get jealous. Here is what happens when people get jealous of other people getting the spotlight: they start to slander those people. They become verbally opposed to those people. And as the scripture indicates, they argued with whatever. This sheds some light on the expression “a chip on their shoulder.”
2) Here comes an amazing truth. Paul makes the same proclamation as he affirms in Romans 1:16. He simply states that the gospel must be preached to the Jewish people first. Like all the New Testament ministers, the initial ministries were brought to the Jewish people. Then afterward was the opportunity for the Gentiles to hear the gospel. To the Jew first, and then to the Gentile.
3) Next comes the turn-or-burn speech. Paul says you've rejected the gospel. You've rejected the Good News. And because of that rejection, you have deemed yourself unworthy of eternal life. Regardless of everything we say and do, if somebody says NO to Jesus, it is their decision. God knew ahead of time that they would make that decision. But they have judged themselves. To be unfit to hang out with the big G.