The David Spoon Experience 3-28-23 Part 2
1) At this point in our radio fellowship relationship, we should review the basic show principles we operate with. Principles are just a softer word for rules. Get it? We are not YOUR church. We are co-ministers, family, and a fellowship. One of our founding statements of purpose is ministering to educate, encourage, and entertain Bible Believers, wounded and forgotten Believers, and not yet Believers with Biblical Truths. This is the key. You and I need to connect to a church in some way. Why? 1) It’s commanded. And 2) Churches NEED your help. And 3) YOU have something to give to others. Like Jesus.
2) I have sat in a mega-church service where the ministers mocked Christians who believe that suffering is a way of honoring Jesus. Here’s a key: In any sickness we encounter, we have an opportunity to demonstrate our faith. I think that is like Jesus, so that’s a good thing. And if we EVER suffer for being Christians, we are supposed to understand that we are blessed to share in that, just like Jesus did.
3) And here’s a treat: I located about 25 Pastor Notes from my past that are filled with faith encouragements and honest reflections. These will now be inserted into the show from time to time. The main reason is that SOME of them are really cool. And some are not as cool. But the one I will review with you today…is really cool. Just because they are pastor notes still doesn’t mean we are a church. You will see why soon enough. Buckle up, little campers.