The David Spoon Experience 3-27-23 Part 2
1) We will take advantage of a significant principle that most people won’t appreciate. As we whittled down through Job, we find out that his friends start to get fed up and lose it. Eliphaz responds to Job by starting to call him names. At this point, the connection between the four of them has disintegrated into an ugly church scenario.
2) Toxic relations require a sense of wisdom. This is different from a difficult marital or family issue. Those connections are blood. And Jesus was mocked by His own family but kept open doors. John 7:4-5 states, “You can’t become famous if you hide like this! If you can do such wonderful things, show yourself to the world!” For even his brothers didn’t believe in him.” These relationships require more effort.
3) It’s probably worth noting that becoming a mature Christian requires, occasionally, silence or just walking away. This happened with Jesus over 40 times with people. I know everybody wants to win the arguments and the fights. But it seems somewhat foolish since there’s only one true winner of every argument. Jesus gave no answer to Herod or Pilate and walked away from open interaction with people when the Pharisees sought His demise. (John 12:14-16). Time to say bye-bye.