The David Spoon Experience 3-26-24 part 2
1) Romans 3:11 provides an unequivocal indictment: it's not a question, nor an option, but definitive proof that humans are not inherently good (See Luke 11:13). The scripture states, "There is none righteous, no, not one." Apart from Jesus Christ, no person has lived a sinless life. In the King James Version, where it mentions that Job is perfect, it implies that he was mature and complete, not sinless.
2) The subsequent statement intensifies the argument: humans are filled with lies. As we've already learned, "God is true, but every man is a liar." This simply means that God is truthful, and every human is a liar. At this point, one might think of James, who would have appreciated this portion of Paul's writing. It's the tongue that's filled with deceit and lies, and also with bitterness. This is quite easy to discern; just listen to a person's words.
3) The indictment further clarifies that such people lack true peace and fear of God in their lives. Paul distinguishes between those who resist surrendering to God and those who choose to bow with joy.
4) As we delve into the next round of theology, Paul elucidates that the purpose of the law is to bring people to a position where they can no longer make excuses. The law makes it clear that all have failed. The reality is that the more we know and understand the law, the more we realize that we have failed God by disobeying the law. The law served as our tutor to bring us to Christ.