The David Spoon Experience 3-15-24 part 2
1) It's Friday, time for Dr. Dave's Devotional Diamonds of the Day, also known as DDDDD. We delve back into First Peter 3:8-9 to comprehend a part of our calling. The bold apostle elucidates in his epistle that there are several considerations before we respond to someone. It's challenging not to want to react with the same intensity that someone directs at us. However, we must remember that if Jesus had done so, none of us would be alive.
2) The next lesson is titled “A Little Gem”. It’s a profound lesson that I hope we can grasp and apply. I will review four specific verses, three from Luke and one from Matthew, that pertain to Jesus preparing us. Most of our prayers are centered around us being in the midst of a trial or even towards the end of one. Sometimes, they’re even closer to the beginning. But I want to introduce a new principle: Preventative Prayer. This type of prayer prevents issues from ever arising.
3) We conclude this week with a phenomenal teaching about the five 'tells' of a person who trusts in God. In card playing, a 'tell' is an action that indicates how a person is going to act. For a Christian, a 'tell' is evidence of our faith. We discover that there are ways to discern, not just for others, but for ourselves, whether we're truly operating in the spirit of trust and confidence in the Lord or operating in something less. Never forget that God desires something more from us.