The David Spoon Experience 3-15-23 Part 2
1) First, Christian Kaos, part ten: A tale of two cities. A tale of three kings. A tale of four Jews. That’s the ticker, and here we go: Four Jewish Christians, all from the same city in Detroit, Michigan, all living in the same neighborhood, two of whom were, and still are, best friends. All saying yes to Jesus within thirty days of each other. And all on fire for Jesus Christ. After that, we were known as The Four Musketeers.
2) I share with Pastor Dave all the good and all the bad that this Jewish believer has encountered in the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. I can feel the anger rising within. Multiple years of frustration and two plus two not equaling four were catching up to me. Numbers don’t lie. People who use numbers lie. So, where is God through this process? After all, He promised never to leave me nor forsake me. And if there were a case to be made, I thought I could make it. Wow. I could not have been any more blind than I was. He wasn’t far from me. Can you relate?
3) Now comes the time when hardly any Christian reviews out loud. With all that Holy Spirit pouring out, what does this actually mean for my life? After a counseling session, a great sermon, or a moment when we are challenged by the Lord for growth, we go through an unspoken processing time. How do we take this information and make it our own? This can help us see that this partnership with God has a fresh element that’s just been added to it. Wow.