The David Spoon Experience 3-12-24 part 2
1) In Romans 3:1, Paul poses a unique question: "What advantage is there in being a Jew? Is there any value in the Jewish ceremony of circumcision?" His answer is affirmative. Being a Jew has many advantages. To set the record straight, the biblical declaration in Numbers 24 states that God blesses those who bless Israel and curses those who curse Israel. People in the world may not like it, but as we are His creation, it's His choice.
2) That said, it's clear throughout the book of Romans that not everyone who professes to be a Jew is, in fact, Jewish. There's a lot more to being Jewish than just claiming descent from a particular bloodline. A true Jewish person is one whose heart is directed towards the Lord.
3) As Paul makes clear, the main advantage of being Jewish is that God entrusted the Jewish people with His revelation. The very oracles that God has for mankind are a privilege and honor to represent. This is what the Jewish nation was intended to be - a light that points to the Lord.
4) However, Paul does not mince words. He acknowledges that some people were unfaithful and broke their promises and commitments to the Lord. But does that mean that God will break His promises? Absolutely not. Even if everyone else in the world is a liar, as stated in Psalm 51:4, God is not. God will never break His promises. God will never be unfaithful. God has been, is, and always will be true.