The David Spoon Experience 3-10-23 Part
Great Stuff:
A) We are in the midst of the greatness of Chapter 11 in Hebrews. And in this portion, we get to understand how all of these great men and women used faith. Used faith to prevail. Verse 13 makes it clear. That they died in the faith, having not fully received everything promised them. How does this square with our Christian living? It’s simple. They understood that the promises would find their fulfillment in the distance. Their faith never “moved” because it’s strong as ever.
B) Now, we examine one of my favorite lines in Hebrews. And, as many of you know, has become a calling card for the NOTW Decals. Not of this world. It’s pretty straightforward. We are foreigners here. We are visitors. We are strangers. We do not belong to the sinful earth because we do not belong to a country or world guided by sinful attributes. Let me help you out. You don’t feel like you’d belong. Got it. Guess what? You don’t!
C) But believers desire something better. We don’t want to take the sinful and disgusting and make the best of it. We want the best, and the best is with God. So, we desire a better place, a heavenly one. We desire a place whose builder and maker is God. Because we have this in our hearts, God is proud to be our Father.