The David Spoon Experience 2-3-23 Part 2
1) First, I’m still taking some liberty because it's Friday. This is a particular “Person in the New Testament” Bible Study. I have taught on some of these before, but a review is worth our time. We won’t touch on each person in the New Testament, but the ones will cover are intended to bring us closer to understanding these brothers in Christ. 2) We examine the life of the longest-living Apostle, John. He is one of the Big three, Peter, James, and John. Actually, he wrote about 20% of the New Testament. However, two dominant themes that John existed in are the primary focus of his ministry. He targets the words “LOVE” and “BELIEVE.” He uses this phrase about a hundred times throughout the Gospel, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John, as well as the book of Revelation. 3) But before you think of Saint John as the perfect dude, take a diligent step back. John had multiple excellent characteristics that were good. But he also had some bad attributes too. So, we review three of his best and three of his worst qualities. But an under-taught reality is that John was a true-blue kind of guy. He was a part owner of a fishing business. He was a regular guy that Jesus took hold of. And Jesus made him a force for the kingdom of God. Hey, that applies to you and too!