The David Spoon Experience 2-27-24 part 2
1) Romans Chapter 2, Verse 17 presents real challenges to our pride. Paul, under the verbal plenary inspiration of the Holy Spirit, addresses Jews who rely on God's law for their special relationship with Him. They boast about their background and pedigree. However, as Jesus clarified in the Gospels if people do not respond appropriately to God, even the rocks will cry out in praise. Our background does not guarantee our future.
2) The Apostle Paul intensifies his argument. He states that you believe you are a guide for the blind and a beacon of light for those lost in darkness. Before anyone labels this as exclusive to the Jewish people, let's understand that many in the Christian realm believe they are guides for all who are blind, including other Christians, and that they are beacons of life for all those in darkness. This is a manifestation of pride, which is folly.
3) Paul continues, challenging those who believe they can instruct the ignorant and are certain that they possess complete knowledge and truth within God's law. This is another facet of pride. Paul counters this with wisdom, asking, "If you're teaching others, why not teach yourself? If you know so much, why don't your actions reflect your knowledge?"
4) This section concludes with the understanding that those who take pride in knowing the law end up dishonoring God by breaking it in other areas. This refers to Isaiah Chapter 52, Verse 5, which states, "No wonder the world blasphemes the name of God because of how you live your life." This is an indictment for both Jews and Gentiles. Remember, Christians are forgiven, and there's a reason we need forgiveness.