The David Spoon Experience 2-2-23 Part 2
1) We understand the leftover results as we move past the divine comedy. Peter was in jail, and then he was delivered from his bondage. Herod Agrippa freaked out and interrogated the soldiers who were responsible for watching Peter. The result of Herod's embarrassment was that he executed the soldiers. It's not as uncommon as you think that people tend to execute one another (or go after) when they're embarrassed. 2) But God does not ignore the actions of the unrighteous and deals with them as he sees fit. The following events in Herod's life involve him making a speech to the people of Tyre and Sidon. These people were in a bad situation with Herod. They were dependent on him for their resources, and they had displeased him. So, they decided to do whatever they could so that he wouldn't be angry at them any longer. So, they heaped praises upon him. And told him how great he was. 3) And here it comes: The biggest of the big, Herod accepted the people's worship for himself instead of giving God the glory. He received it for himself because he thought he was that good. He justified himself, and he didn't justify God. The Lord didn't think highly of that. So, God killed him and consumed him with worms (New Testament). That is the fate of those who reject the worship that belongs to God. They go fishing, but they are the bait on the hook. Ouch!