The David Spoon Experience 2-19-24 part 2
1) As we delve into Genesis chapter three, we encounter a significant problem for the human race. The opening verse describes the Serpent as the most cunning of all creatures that the Lord had made. Interestingly, the cunningness of the Serpent was not in its appearance but in its words.
2) The classic King James version states, "Yea, hath God said," while the New Living Translation asks, "Did God really say you must not do this?" If you perceive a significant difference between these two phrases, you're being deceived. The enemy's specific goal is to challenge the truth with lies.
3) It's worth noting that in this initial process of temptation, the devil introduces a question into the discussion. Tactically, he doesn't always declare the lie before introducing doubt against the truth. In other words, Satan first challenges the truth, and then speaks the lies.
4) In his tactic, the enemy attempts to portray God as more restrictive than he is, insinuating that God is a killjoy. When the enemy asks Eve if she is not allowed to eat any of the fruit, her response is specific: "Yes, we may. It is only the fruit at the center that we are not allowed to eat."
5) Those Christian movements that believe Adam did not instruct his wife are entirely wrong. Eve clearly understood the commandment, as do we, but we often disregard it. It's "could be" fanciful to think that Eve added extra commandments apart from Adam. They were simply supposed to avoid this altogether in order to be obedient. But many people differ on thi