The David Spoon Experience 2-16-23 Part 2
1) They preached, shared, and ministered to Jesus from town to town. So, why do American Christians compartmentalize so much? Is faith for Sunday? Absolutely. And for Monday through Saturday too. Wherever we go, and whatever we are doing, we can still take the Gospel with us.
2) “Attached himself” is a definitively important point. This person (Bar-Jesus) lived his life influenced by a demon and attached himself to an influential person. So, this guy who has a deep personal connection to a demonic spirit is closely connected, attached, and influencing this powerful political leader. Does this sound familiar? Do you think the people that support abortion from inception to after birth are just bad people? These people are vehicles of demonic teachings, just like woke folk are.
3) A man of considerable insight and understanding but not smart enough to see the person that he connected to was demonically expired. What were the two main tactics: 1) By interfering and 2) By trying to get people to pay no attention! These are the same demonic tactics that the Media and the Government often use today. All so satan can get people to turn away from the Christian faith. As it was then, so it is now.