The David Spoon Experience 2-1-24 part 2
1) Following the bright light, the Lord spoke. It’s noteworthy that after God shines a light into our dark world, He calls us by name. In this case, He called out, “Saul.” Saul asked, “Who are you?” This is the fundamental question that every person must answer when they stand before God.
2) The Lord replied, “I am Jesus of Nazareth, the one you are persecuting.” It’s crucial to understand that Paul was persecuting the church, but Jesus saw it differently. Jesus identified with His believers to such an extent that when they were persecuted, He felt persecuted. This is because He connects with our experiences.
3) Surprisingly, Paul’s next question is the most insightful of all, and one that we should ask not just upon salvation but every day: “What shall I do, Lord? What do you want me to do?” This question applies both broadly and specifically: “What is my assignment, and how can I honor You this day?” Every day should be a presentation of ourselves to the Lord.
4) Sometimes, the Lord instructs us to go somewhere without revealing what we’re going to do there. This is exactly what happened to Paul on his way to Damascus, and it’s a situation many can relate to. Sometimes, God’s revelation comes after we’ve responded to and set our geography.