The David Spoon Experience 12-8-23 part 1 (SHOW 1200)
A) James is making a comparison between rich people and poor people. Biblically comparisons are most often “general rules.” When people are being compared, that does not mean that there are NO exceptions. But between the poor and the rich, it is more often the rich, the entitled, and the powerful who are the biggest pains in the neck. The main reason is that rich people often operate in less humility. Do you have a big-screen TV? By world standards, you are rich.
B) If we actually operate in loving others as we love ourselves, we are doing well. Yes, it’s possible to love other people as you love yourself. Although it takes an act of God to get people to shift from selfishness to selflessness, it is available in Jesus. But if we prefer rich people because they can be more helpful to our own causes, we are operating in sin. Understanding favoritism is helpful. Favoritism is the practice of giving unfair preferential treatment to one person or group at the expense of another.
C) Then James moves the needle. The Law has many points to it. There are the Ten main ones and a total of 613 in the Old Covenant. But the truth is that All the Laws are seen in the eyes of God as a collective. If one is dropped, chipped, or broken…then the Law as a unit has been breached, and a person is, therefore, a Law Breaker.