The David Spoon Experience 12-6-22 Part 2
1) The Lord speaks. The Lord speaks through the stars above and nature below. He speaks through people and circumstances. God speaks through a variety of methods. But the one that we doubt the most is when God speaks to US directly. We operate in such doubt and fear that we often attribute God’s voice to something else. So why are we afraid to believe that God speaks today? If He didn’t, you and I wouldn’t be saved. And we all know that the word of God is ALIVE. 2) I amaze myself. But not in a good way. I am amazed that whatever my circumstance, I still operate in a healthy amount of “this is a total waste of time. Let’s get it going, God” attitude. In case you think I’m being self-effacing or foolish, I said this very thing in front of my wife. I say, and I quote: “Come on, God, let’s get it going.” Do you know why I make such a statement? Because I don’t understand why God allows what he allows. But I do know this: His word is filled with examples of Him using people in their places, in ways and at times those people never imagined. It “ain’t” any different today. 3) Prosperity Gospel is not my thing. However, I’m not convinced that the connection to this thinking is evil; just very wrong. Some of the thought processes are good. But that would be from understanding the value that God places upon us. However, practically walking from a Christian perspective, the way to live is to die. And the way to gain is to let go because this journey is the opportunity to lay up for the next.