The David Spoon Experience 12-4-23 part 2
1) We continue our in-depth exploration of the book of Genesis. I want to remind everyone that this won't be as precise as it needs to be. To achieve that, we would need about five years of teaching. We pick up from Verse 9, which describes the creation of separation between the waters of the Earth and the land masses or tectonic plates. The land emerges, and God sees it and declares it good. Here's a hint: Land is always a good investment because God isn't making any more.
2) As we proceed with the third day of creation, we see that God commands the land to bring forth all sorts of grass and seed-bearing plants. The trees would also bear seed-bearing fruit. God commands it, and it happens. He speaks, and they are created - such is the power of God. He calls for the land to bring forth seed-bearing trees and plants, and they appear at His command. It's worth noting that these weren't planted and then grew into something; they all came fully matured, ready to produce more.
3) Here's an interesting teaching I received from an archaeologist from the New York Museum of Archaeology. On the fourth day, God said there should be lights in the sky to separate day from night. The first point he made is that evolution couldn't have taken place because the trees and plants appeared before there was a sun, which is impossible from an evolutionary perspective.
4) But back to the sun and moon, their purpose is very clear. They are signs to mark off seasons, days, and years; AND they produce light for the Earth. The greater light, which is the sun, illuminates the day. It should serve as a reminder to us all that light is greater than darkness. God testifies to this in the very planetary system we inhabit. And it's on this fourth day that God creates a true sense of time. Consider this: on the fourth day, God created time. Ponder that one for a moment. Buckle up, little buckaroos, here we go.