The David Spoon Experience 12-27-23 part 1
A) Get ready, little buckaroos, and hold on to your hats because Psalm 46 has entered the picture. This is another song from the Sons of Korah. Each verse presents a compelling challenge for us to draw closer to the Lord but in an encouraging way. It's crucial to understand that God has always proven Himself faithful and will continue to do so. He is our refuge, providing shelter in a storm and our strength, giving us the ability to carry on.
B) Because of this characteristic of God, verse 2 makes it clear that we will not fear. If we belong to God, fear does not have to control us. When we allow a spirit of fear to attach itself to us, we must understand that it was not God who gave that to us. God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).
C) The psalmist doesn't stop there. He wants to ensure that we clearly understand the extent and depth of this protection and help that comes from the Lord. So he says, even if the Earth were to be removed, we should not fear. As Bible-believing, born-again Christians, our mindset is different from that of the world. We look forward to a new heaven and a new Earth. Even if the world is destroyed, it just means that our King has removed it and is ready to replace it.
D) From the atmospheric wonders to the present realities, if the mountains were carried into the midst of the sea, it would be quite a sight. It would be as if the world was returning to how it was before the land appeared. But even if that happens, so what? Our King is in charge. This verse combines the imagery of waters and mountains, and it just doesn't matter with that as well.
E) The song then transitions into understanding that even waters that appear to be roaring and full of trouble, shaking and swelling will bring us to the waters of joy in the city of God. This is because the holy place of the Tabernacle of the Most High will be revealed. What's important about the Tabernacle is that God is in its midst. God is in the middle. And God will help just at the break of dawn, which signifies the perfect timing for help to arrive.