The David Spoon Experience 12-18-23 part 2
1) Welcome to a special version of the show. Today, we will take a quick journey back to our youthful years long ago and consider a special cartoon movie that reminds us that having a heart is a good thing. Will we discuss the spirit of Christmas, Dave, with all its pomp and circumstance? No. Will we discuss the ridiculousness and absurdity of the commercialism of Christmas? No. Will we support anyone anywhere who tries to take the Christ out of Christmas? No. What then Doctor Dave? We will discuss that image of God that has captured too many.
2) First, let's be honest. God is not Santa. And no, Santa is not a special way to spell satan any more than a dog is directly connected to God. Take a legalistic break, Larry. But equally and even more disturbing is the connection that people make to the other side of the Christmas season. God is NOT the Grinch. The big issue is that either one of these sad images distorts and insults the King of the Universe.
3) Here is a sad truth. If we don’t think that God will say yes when we pray and change the universe in response to our faith, then we operate with the false image that God is stingy. That image encourages doubt and double-mindedness when we pray. And James makes it clear: A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. Let not that man think that he will receive ANYTHING from the Lord (James 1:7-8).
4) The issue for too many of us Bible-believing Born Again Christians is that we are NOT very Bible-believing, even if we are born again. The truth is greater than our adolescent understanding of how God operates in the cosmos. He answers prayers in His way and at His time, and not according to our schedule. And because of His mercy, there are times when He says NO. There is where we are called to trust the Lord, even if we don’t get it. Our Father is a giver. Just consider the gift of Jesus. And that He gave you and me life in the first place.