The David Spoon Experience 12-15-22 Part 2
1) News travels fast. Good news travels very fast. Bad news travels even faster. The Jewish people heard about what happened with Peter. They were freaking out. Keep in mind that they didn’t have the same experience that Peter had and didn’t receive any revelations from God. So, on the surface, they were …like…. “What is going on around here.” These people were still reeling from the power of the Holy Spirit and the whole tongues scenario, but this would take it to the next level. 2) You entered a Gentile’s home. You ate with them. Wait until they hear that God had poured out His Holy Spirit on the Gentiles in the same fashion as He did to the Jews. That was going to twist their theology into multiple pieces. So here’s a thought: Is it OK if God still bends our theology? I mean, we are all seasoned in His Word, and we pretty much know everything. At least, we act like we do. But if God wants to change our thinking, how stuck are we? It’s worth examining. 3) Peter can only do what he can do. In other words, Peter had to tell them what happened without making it fit into his theological box. So he just shared what happened without trying to justify it. The funny thing is people marveled at God when the guy who had the demons shared what Jesus had done for him. So that’s how it works. I even told my mom about a few experiences with little to no theology. She was amazed. She knew I was telling her the truth. So, it has its own witness. That is how powerful God is.