The David Spoon Experience 12-12-23 part 1
A) We introduce the woman from Canaan; hence, she is referred to as the Canaanite. She pleads to Jesus, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David.” It’s crucial to emphasize that she recognizes Jesus Christ as the Messiah. Although she is a Gentile, it’s evident that Gentiles, too, were moved by God. She knew that her only solace was to be found in Jesus.
B) Jesus is not an ordinary teacher; he doesn’t respond to people as they might expect. Regardless, Jesus is aware that every response, action, word, and interaction aligns with the Father’s will. His desire is to express and enact the Father’s wishes. Initially, Jesus doesn’t respond to her, not uttering a single word. While many might criticize this, God’s intentions are far deeper than human misunderstanding and instability.
C) The story doesn’t end there. This woman is relentless. She’s so persistent that she’s driving the disciples to distraction with her incessant pleading. It’s certain that she didn’t beg just once or twice. There were 12 disciples, and she was driving them all to their wits’ end. She was desperate for relief and wouldn’t stop until she found it.
D) Jesus then informs her that He has come to aid the people of Israel, not the Gentiles. Some might perceive this as harsh, but Jesus was drawing out the authenticity of her faith. We can’t know what it takes for individuals to reach that level of trust, but God does. She then worships Jesus. Instead of getting angry, she becomes even more determined.
E) Jesus pushes the boundaries by stating that the children are fed before the dogs. This isn’t a derogatory term for dogs, like referenced in The Three Amigos, but refers to pet dogs. The woman’s faith and confidence shine through brilliantly. She asserts that even the dogs get the scraps that fall from the table. She pleads with Jesus, “Give me the scraps.” Jesus commends her, acknowledging her exceptional faith. He tells her, “It’s done. Your daughter is well. Nice job.”