The David Spoon Experience 12-1-22 Part 2
1) Good News for the people of Israel. There is peace with God through Jesus: Peter was catching on that the Gospel was expanded. But old habits die hard. Most specifically, religious or traditional ones. And from a practical application point of view, old church habits die hard. It doesn’t matter if God gives us a vision, a sign, a dream, or a prophetic communication. So, what’s the problem? We are often scared. 2) Anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and with power for doing good and for healings and deliverances. Because the Father was with the Son, connected to the Holy Spirit. So what did Jesus do? 1) He did good. By that, we mean He taught, loved, cared for, had compassion, and felt people’s pain. He fed people, complimented people, challenged people, and rebuked people. All of that and so much more. He also cast our evil spirits (Yes, they are real and active today. To think not is to deny the words of Jesus). And He operated in the miraculous. 3) Not to the public: but to those of us He chose beforehand. Do you know everyone He has chosen? No. Does God know everyone He has chosen? Yes. To do what? To preach and testify. Yes, that means you and me. 4) Forgiveness leads to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
of the Holy Spirit.