The David Spoon Experience 11-8-23 part 2
1) There are several core principles to Christianity. Actually, there are too many to name because. The benefits of God are beyond comprehension. Here’s a list of some of my favorites. There is Truth, Love, Grace, Mercy, Compassion, Faith and Forgiveness. Today’s. encouragement is going to center around forgiveness. Something unique happens when we receive forgiveness and when we give forgiveness. The form of a fresh start is birthed. A fresh start to the person that we extend forgiveness to. And a fresh start for ourselves in receiving forgiveness.
2) But as with so many things in the Christian faith, there is more going on than meets the eye. We must continually remember that there is a realm called the invisible or the spiritual. Oftentimes, the real fight takes place at that level but manifests in the natural. If we are immature believers, then we are unaware that there is an enemy working against us and the people connected to us. His goal is to birth unforgiveness. Or to replace forgiveness with anger, bitterness, and resentment. The reason he does this is because the lack of forgiveness creates a cancer within us.
3) The most effective power against the enemy's lies and temptations is to operate in forgiveness. The illustration He uses for the reasoning that our forgiveness should be more easily given is that the debt that we owe God is substantially higher than the debt that any human could owe us.
4) The Forgivenss Factor is the truth that we need to be living in forgiving. We cannot think that God’s forgivenss has a number, nor can we exist that way with others.