The David Spoon Experience 11-3-22 Part 2
1) Cornelius stared at the angel in terror. Have you seen the pictures of the angels that mankind has created? Have you seen the images of Jesus? Wowzers. Jesus looks like He couldn’t bench press 50 pounds, which would be highly abnormal for a carpenter. And the angels look like they were birthed in a Monty Python movie made for children. What’s the deal? The deal is that people’s images of God and His soldiers are vastly distorted from anything remotely close to the truth. Look at Jesus in revelation one and compare THAT to the painting. Think of this powerful soldier cowering before the angel. 2) Have not gone unnoticed. The angel has a message for Cornelius. He was a soldier, so it would not have been too tricky for the angel to read his mail and tell him how much he had messed up. The same is true for you and me. God can, at any time, read our mail to us, and the postage would prove to be overdue. But that is not what God is looking for. And that is not what catches the eyes of the authorities in heaven. Instead, it is Cornelious’s prays and his actions that make the heavenly headlines. 3) The next day and at the same time. The messengers are arriving at the same time that Peter has his visions. A coincidence or a Divine appointment? What do you think? And that happens so often that we tend to take them for granted. And each is a miracle of God’s timing. Let’s say so!