The David Spoon Experience 11-28-23 part 1
A) In Matthew 15:6, Jesus said, “By your own traditions, you nullify the direct word of God”. This is a straightforward rebuke to the religious leaders, and it applies to now as well as then. It comes down to the critical understanding that God’s Word is far superior to any other written traditions, including commentaries on the Word of God. The Mishna, which is an “oral commentary” on the Word of God, had more weight than the actual Word of God. So, what God wrote directly wasn’t as authoritative as what other people’s comments were about what God wrote. How dumb.
B) So, in this particular case, when the leaders relieved the followers from financial responsibility to those people's parents, they were actually paving a path for themselves (the Leaders) to GET SOME OF THAT MONEY. This game is not new. It’s thousands of years old. In the name of justice, equity, and perverted compassion, programs to help the less fortunate are generated. The snake behind these deceptions is satanic. The people are of their father, the Devil.
C) Jesus quotes Isaiah, Chapter 15, verses 8 through 9. He says, "Their lips talk a good game, but their hearts are far from me. They replace God’s commandments with man-made commandments for their own advantage." What people fail to understand is that political leaders who attempt to function as spiritual overseers are simply false prophets, false teachers, and false leaders. If their position is that of a politician, they can still function as demonically inspired.
D) Then Jesus presents a teaching that many people don't appreciate. He teaches that it's not what people eat that defiles them - not now, not ever - especially if it's received with thanksgiving. It's what people say that defiles them. Through their words, they reveal where their heart's allegiance lies. As Jesus concludes this teaching, it's made known to him that he has offended the Pharisees. The Lord's response is outstanding: "They're blind, and they're going to fall into a ditch." His parting words are, "See you later, alligator."