The David Spoon Experience 11-20-23 part 2
1) Congratulations, Crime Stoppers! You have persevered to the very last teaching of Job. This doesn't mean we won't revisit portions of Job's teachings. We are now completing the 42 chapters, one of the longest teachings I've ever been involved with, for over two years. We close out with a bang. At the very end, God bestows blessings through all the people whom Job has interacted with, and they all bring him gifts of money and jewelry. In one fell swoop, God brings full restoration to Job from a financial point of view.
2) In addition, the Lord blesses all that Job lost, redeeming everything that went in the wrong direction by giving him twice as much as he had before. It was so powerful that the second half of Job's life was more blessed than the first. The first half was pretty darn good, so the second half must have been outstanding.
3) God even redeems the losses of the children by blessing Job with seven more sons and three more daughters. The daughters were the loveliest in the land. He took care of them, provided for them, and protected them financially. Yes, this is a nod to people preparing for their families ahead of time. It's been done since the very beginning, and it's a noble thing to do now if you're able to.
4) We close out the teaching with Job living 140 years after that. So, if the first half of his life was blessed for 140 years, the second half of his life was even more blessed. This also suggests he probably lived to be about 280 - a ripe old age indeed. The scripture closes the story simply: he died an old man who lived a long, good life. There is not one of us on this planet who would not love to have that testimony for ourselves. We look forward to meeting you, Job, sooner rather than later.