The David Spoon Experience 11-17-23 part 2
1) The first thing we're going to discuss is how God is in charge and shows mercy to whom He chooses. He hardens whom He wishes to harden. Many people will rise and say it seems so unfair, which is amusing when someone stands before the awesome God of the universe to tell Him He's doing poorly. Especially when that person needed help learning how to go to the bathroom as a baby. Let's get it straight. God owes no person anything, most specifically, any sense of accountability.
2) What's the difference between you, me, and the world around us? It's simpler than you think. Jesus said, "If you love me, you’ll keep my commandments. And I will give you the Spirit of truth.” The world can’t receive the Spirit of truth, which is the Holy Spirit. But we can because we love Jesus and desire to keep His commandments. What makes us different from the world is that they don’t even know who the Holy Spirit is.
3) Here’s the second part to that very same question: What makes us different from those in the world, Part Two? Anyone who loves Jesus and keeps His word does not quit loving Jesus and keeping His word. In other words, having His word inside of us makes a difference. When we use faith and activate the word of God, we are setting ourselves apart from the world and worldly things. God’s truth sets us apart.
4) We close out this week with a challenging teaching on unity. The reason that it’s challenging is because, as Paul wrote it, people were already picking sides on what he was talking about. When Paul mentioned that people at the Church of Corinth say, "I’m of Paul," "I’m of Apollos," "I’m of Cephas," and "I’m of Christ," every brilliant Christian says, "That’s me. I’m of Christ". The problem is that’s the wrong answer. Paul explains why it’s the wrong answer and why we need to be interdependent on one another and equally dependent upon the Lord while demonstrating faith, hope and love, which pleases Him.