The David Spoon Experience 11-17-22 Part 2
1) It’s against the Jewish Laws, but God has shown me. So, here we can unpack the two monumental principles that the New Testament has brought to the forefront. It’s not the elimination of the Jewish people, but it is a distinct change in the Jewish Laws. And Peter gets this fundamental principle. You have grown up this way, but now it goes this way. Hold on a second. Didn’t Jesus say this in the sermon on the mount? By Jove, I think we’ve got it. 2) I should never think of anyone as impure. This could be a bit of what our show is all about. But, no. I don’t care about your denominational background. I care that you have an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, given as a gift from God the Father through His grace and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Our unity is in the Godhead. This does not include how the end comes about. Psalm 119:63 states, I am a companion to all who fear you and those who keep your precepts. 3) God gives people messages. Guess how He does that? His Word, nature, dreams, miracles, and circumstances are through prayer. But what is one of God’s most common ways to speak to people? Through other people. What does that mean? That means that we need to listen up a little more often and a little more carefully.