The David Spoon Experience 11-15-23 part 2
1) This Wednesday, we’re doing something a little different as we delve into Dr. Dave’s devotional diamonds of the day. First up, we want to discuss a concept that we often know but perhaps don’t reflect on or certainly don’t hold at the forefront of our thoughts. As we navigate various trials and struggles, we mature by understanding that there is a purpose. However, where we often fail is in understanding just how closely God pays attention to every nuance of our experiences.
2) Let’s take a few moments to examine this. When God called Moses to his task, He was informing Moses that He was leading people out of bondage. These are things that bind people, whether they are psychological, emotional, physical or spiritual, creating a form of slavery in different realms of our lives. God offers to bring us OUT of bondages.
3) As Moses was contemplating his task and God being our deliverer, he asked the Lord an honest question: “Who am I going to say has sent me? Who am I going to say told me to tell you these things?” The better part is that you are an ambassador, a vessel, a spokesperson for He who rules the universe. So if they want to know whether it’s just our opinion or not when we’re sharing God’s word - it’s not our opinion. It’s God’s word.
4) As you know, I aim to make Fridays more uplifting as we head into the weekend. There are enough challenges all around us to make our heads swirl, but that’s no excuse for not teaching the word of God. We’re going to look at obedience - not the kind of obedience a dog shows when given treats - but obedience that communicates our adoration for God. If we reject our willingness to obey, we pay the price.
5) There are so many scriptures that are simply fantastic. Not least among them is this portion in Ephesians that we’re going to examine. The whole purpose of Apostle Paul’s encouragement is for us to truly know the Love of Christ. It’s not enough just to hear about it or think about it and feel it’s cool. We need to know it inside and out. We need to rely on the love that God has for us and understand the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. There isn’t a day that we can afford to live on this earth without contemplating and acknowledging it.