The David Spoon Experience 11-14-23 part 2
1) Paul instructs us to do what we know is right in the eyes of the Lord. In other words, perform those actions that you know are pleasing to Him, and do them well. This way, we don't need to compare ourselves to anyone else because we understand that we're doing it for the Lord. It's an offering from our heart and a demonstration of our obedience and desire to please Him. When we have the ability to do something and choose not to, even though we know it's the right thing to do, it reflects poorly on us.
2) I won't mislead you about the next verse we're examining in Galatians 6:6. I appreciate this translation in the NLT: "Those who are taught by the word of God should support their teachers financially." You have to decide what that support looks like. No teacher should dictate its value. You have to determine what that contribution is. However, if a teacher can't be sustained or supported, their teaching will inevitably be limited. This advice comes from someone who wouldn't simply take money for teaching yet insists on everyone reading this to be supporting these individuals.
3) Paul then warns us not to be deceived: God will not ignore our actions, whether good or bad, and we will reap what we sow. Many people mistakenly believe this is where Karma influenced Christianity. That's incorrect. The concept of Karma, or reaping what you sow, wasn't introduced until about the 6th or 7th century, several hundred years after this epistle was written.
4) Paul concludes without mincing words: If you live to satisfy your own sinful desires, you'll reap a harvest of consequences characterized by death and decay. But if you live to please the Holy Spirit, you'll experience abundant life. Live by the flesh and pay the price; live by the Spirit and receive its benefits. The choice is ours. Let’s choose wisely.