The David Spoon Experience 11-10-22 Part 2
1) What could the vision mean? While Peter was not likely as intellectual as Paul or Luke, he was no dummy. His confessions, his faith, and his ministry were intense. But he wasn’t sure what the vision meant. He saw it, but he had to think about it. Has this ever happened to you? It sure has happened to me. Whether it was a dream, a picture in my mind, or a thought that was higher than mine, I’ve had to contemplate the ramifications of the communications of God. 2) Of course, timing is EVERYTHING. At the same time, Peter has a vision being manifested; he has visitors. There is a schedule from God. And He is never late. I know that we all believe that God is good at setting situations up, but do we REALLY understand how Divine, miraculous, and phenomenal it all is? Exodus 12:40-41, from the arrival of Jacob: Now the length of time the Israelite people lived in Egypt was 430 years. At the end of the 430 years, to the very day, all the Lord’s divisions left Egypt. 3) There are four marvelous instructions from the Holy Spirit to Peter. Catch this: The instructions show the situation, the direction, the attitude, and the authority. If we look closely enough at our own situations, we will find many such pearls of wisdom tucked inside each moment.