The David Spoon Experience 10-7-22 Part 2
This 60-minutes is all about: 1) One of my passions is to figure out how to best please the Lord. I know that I will fall short in my own strength. In truth, I don’t worry too much about impressing God with my works because I know who I am; A sinner entirely dependent on the grace and mercy of God. But I find the mystery of faith astounding. Somehow, through my believing in Him and believing Him, He is pleased. So, faith is the ticket. It is the chosen vehicle that God has chosen. And it is by faith, through God, that the impossible becomes possible. 2) Here is a reality check for the recent political approaches for people who try to promote socialism established by humanity; Total failure, according to Jesus. That’s right, Jesus was not a capitalist or a socialist, or a communist, or an anything -ist. He was a kingdom of God evangelist. Laying up treasures in heaven does not fly with any human philosophy. Jesus said He is not from here (John 8:23). Workers don’t receive guest hospitalities. Sorry AOC. 3) We are often taught to pay attention to the things around us. This is not a new approach to living. What is novel is to pay attention to “ourselves” and the people around us. Keep an eye on you. No hypocritical judging or we are going to get smacked by God. And forgiveness must be a generosity of ours towards those who do repent. Every time. Thus saith the Lord.