The David Spoon Experience 10-6-22 Part 2
1) The Jewish leaders had enough of Saul. These religious, self-righteous leaders were opposed in their faith, philosophy, and authority. So how did they respond? They sought to murder Saul. When the people don’t line up and walk in lockstep, then the leadership paints these people are rebellious, seditious, anti-government, and anti-authority monsters who need to be exterminated. That’s precisely what the Nazis did to the Jews. And the only question is why this seems eerily familiar in our day and time. 2) The Apostles and the believers in Jerusalem were concerned about Saul too. Talk about a man with nowhere to go. The thought that he was “pretending” to be a Christian. Wow. Talk about a runaway imagination. Who would ever actually think that Satan would send people into a fellowship to pretend to be believers? God. 1 John 2:19; They went out from us, but they were not really of us. 3) Here is something that will make you think twice. The Apostles, the actual leaders of the church, as opposed to named leaders through modern man’s ceremony, were wrong. They didn’t think that Saul was legit. But Barnabas to the rescue. He stood in the gap for the kingdom.