The David Spoon Experience 10-31-23 part 2
1) As we conclude Galatians chapter 5, we encounter the fruits of the Spirit. It’s important to note that verse 22 states, “when the Holy Spirit controls our lives.” This means that when the Holy Spirit has more influence over us than our old selves, our carnal nature, we are guided by the Spirit on a daily basis. If we position ourselves to honor God, love Jesus, and fellowship with the Holy Spirit, we are catching on.
2) There are nine fruits listed that originate from the Holy Spirit and should be manifested in our lives. I challenge you on one point that you may not have heard much about; faith itself. Faith to believe God, not faithfulness, is not listed as one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. The reason is that faith, like love, is a decision. We must choose whether to believe or doubt.
3) Upon examining the nine fruits, we find that some fruits seem to appear in greater volume than others on certain days. This is not a negative aspect. There are times when we need to be patient, times when we need to be full of joy, and times when we need to be gentle. These are all fruits that can continually be active in our lives. However, there are times when they emerge in greater manifestation than others, which is completely normal.