The David Spoon Experience 10-3-23 part 2
1) Going back to the illustration of the two women (by the way, God does not “look down” on women,” one is from Mount Sinia, which represents the law, and the other is from the Heavenly Jerusalem (the reference point is Revelation 21:2). The difference is that God compares one offspring to bondage and the other offspring to freedom. Then, God connects the heavenly offspring to the fulfillment of prophecy. Hey, by the way, that's you. You are the fulfillment of prophecy.
2) Can you imagine someone saying, “You have had NO children, but in reality, you have more children than the people who “appear to have many children.” That is NO joke. There are thousands of women who have never given birth and are ten thousand times better mothers to others than people who have. This, of course, is not to diminish child birthing but to understand that a mother appears to God in several fashions.
3) Here it is. Laugh, joke, or try to ignore it, but the reality is that those who seek to be led by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:14, “for as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God), are persecuted by those who know NOTHING of God. The truth is that those who are LEGALISTIC extremely dislike those who are seeking to walk in fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Why? Because they have no clue as to what that even means.
4) The closure of this theology is simple. We are acceptable to God because of our faith. This is why we are connected to Abraham. It was by his faith that he was accepted by God. And through JESUS CHRIST and His redemptive work, this is why we are acceptable to God.