The David Spoon Experience 10-27-23 part 2
1) As you may know, I usually try to make Fridays particularly pleasant to some extent. However, that’s not the case today. We’re going to discuss the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. It’s crucial to understand the difference, especially considering the significant warnings to the church about the abundance of false teachings that will emerge in the end times.
2) We delve into the territory of First John, Chapter 4, which guides us on how to discern between the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. Interestingly, we’re instructed to test and evaluate the spirits from which people speak. It’s insufficient to simply say, “I don’t resonate with that person; they’re not one of us.” That’s basing everything on feelings, which isn’t a valid test but rather a fleeting evaluation.
3) We are blessed by God with three valuable tools to help us understand from which spirit someone is speaking and whether their words are divine or misguided. We gain insight through the gift of discernment provided by the Holy Spirit. We also learn by whether a person confesses Jesus Christ as Lord. Anyone who acknowledges God but is uncertain about Jesus presents a problematic situation. And then, of course, there’s the ultimate standard: The Bible. This is our primary guide for discerning truth, not because the Holy Spirit is flawed but because our ability to hear can be.
4) The Beatles sang, “All we need is love.” However, the love being promoted isn’t the love that God intends for us to embody. So, we’re going to stay in First John to understand God, love, and God’s love. While God does have feelings for us, His love transcends mere emotions. Divine love is paramount and represents true love. The worldly concept and principles of love are far away from God, much like the worldly are far away from God. Keep that in mind when they scream and say, “You’re not loving me like you should.” Hogwash.