The David Spoon Experience 10-27-22 Part 2
1) We have the most incredible technology in human history. Frequently, it can be used for good. In moments, the world around us can be informed. But there have been great communication systems for a while. For example, in the book of Acts, after a miracle, one person tells another, who tells another, and so on. Soon enough, the whole city is filled with information. As a result, a revival took place in an entire community. YES…it can still happen. 2) Peter stayed a long time with Simon, the tanner. Jaffa and is located 40 miles northwest of Jerusalem. It perches on a high cliff overlooking the Mediterranean Sea and served as the port city for Jerusalem. A tanner is a leather maker. Simon was in the business of treating animal hides to produce leather, a trade considered unclean by the Jews of his day. Peter stayed with a socially deplorable person. I hope we would be willing to as well. 3) Enter Cornelious. Enter the gentile infusion into the church, not the gentile confiscation of the church. That would be contrary to God’s promise to Isreal and to the authentic Jews. Cornelious was not the power broker that many try to portray him as. He was an officer and influential. But more than his position was his heart. He wanted more of God in his life.