The David Spoon Experience 10-25-22 Part 2
1) How is it possible to give a ten percent offering with a generous spirit? Here is the key to giving (Yes, it’s about biblical giving). When you give to God, it’s NOT the amount; it’s the spirit. Spare change? Then God should give to you the “spare change” and nothing more. Here is the key! God is looking at my heart and at your heart. Is it always perfect? Not likely. Is it fake? God knows. 2) The whole heart is significantly more important than the entire law. This is EXACTLY what Jesus taught. Your heart is the key ingredient to understanding the purposes of God. If your heart is contrary, then you fight against the word. If it is in submission to God’spuposes, then you rejoice when the Spirit of God challenges you. It;’s not about being perfect; it’s about being more like Jesus. 3) We visit our great friend, Pastor Ray, who is not “gone” but hanging with JC and not forgotten because his kingdom efforts will endure for eternity. Pastor Ray writes about forgiveness. And His power of grace is released in our lives and other lives all around us. The power of God’s forgiveness is glorious. But can there be a limit? Do we want God to have a limitation with us? No. We miss you, brother.