The David Spoon Experience 10-19-23 part 2
1) We now come to a very interesting portion of scripture that gets very little response or attention. Something unique happened for the people at Ephesus to worship the great Artemis. Something so weird that, in truth, if it happened today, people would worship the same way. What could we possibly be talking about? What could Satan possibly use to throw a wrench into everybody’s theology and focus the world on worshiping something other than God? We will examine this.
2) I hate to say this as a Bible believer, but as we dive into this experience that took place at Ephesus, we find out that one of the leaders has a better perspective on how to approach the people’s faith and religious mindsets than the church does. It's hard to believe that this insight can come from an unbelieving mayor 2000 years ago. But guess what? He says one thing that we all, as Christians, should live by. Luke 6:18 states, "For the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light."
3) As I’m apt to do, I would like to point out a very brilliant principle laid out in scripture relating to standing for the truth. In this text, the mayor of Ephesus makes it clear that, in a very real sense, the Apostles, the disciples, and the Christians did not speak out specifically against the great Artemis. That’s important because he recognized that it wasn’t an attack on what they believed as much as a promotion of what the disciples believed. The key is that sometimes, we need to speak for something and not against it. Attacking something is not always the best strategy, though it is called for from time to time. Promoting the truth is always correct.