The David Spoon Experience 10-18-22 Part 2
1) The community often assembles a search party when someone is missing. hey usually walk in a formation of a straight line, one person next to the other, so that there is nothing that is missed. That is the same idea in the passage in Chronicles. The Lord is operating in a continual search party mode for people who are responsive to Him. Remember in Isaiah, when the Lord asks, “Whom shall I send?” he knows whom he will send. But do we know if We are willing to go? And to this verse, are we ready to be FULLY committed to Him? 2) There is a mistake in our engagement with God that we would be wise to correct. Unfortunately, some teachers in the church believe that we should never need to repent. They are wrong. And hopefully, they, too, will repent for lousy teaching. Not evil teaching, just bad teaching. Jesus told Peter, late in the game, that he would need to repent. It’s a part of the walk. Don’t get milk; get humble. 3) Rarely do I do a full DDD that significantly involves politics. I’m not too fond of politics. But what I despise more is when politicians demonically enter the spiritual realm. That is not their place. Calvary is the hill we die on. Political leaders may be corrupt, but it becomes blasphemy when they dictate their fleshly insights upon God’s truths. That is not acceptable.