The David Spoon Experience 10-14-22 Part 2
This 60-minutes is all about: 1) There is a disease in our country and our world. I have confidence that almost everyone hearing my voice will remember the tv and radio campaign with Andre Agassi. There was a mass marketing campaign that stated, “Image is everything.” Unfortunately, it was wildly successful. It wasn’t that this was brilliant marketing. It was that this message tapped into a truth about the world and the worldly. The way we present is the way we are. Not. In reality, the presentation of many is as phony as a three-dollar bill. 2) Why does a Chrisitan’s life need to be portrayed as something different than it is? Yes, we want to and need to reflect Jesus as we walk in fellowship with God. Yes, we need the fruit of the Holy Spirit to shine. But no, we don’t need to be fake about the positional place or the practical place we are in…in Christ. We are perfect through Jesus. We are being made perfect by the Holy Spirit. And we operate in forgiveness, not perfection, during the process. 3) Now, here is a glorious truth. We are created, designed, conceived (which, BTW, means alive), and birthed by the grace of God. No person “deserves” to come to life. That is impossible. Remember, there is nothing we can do in a pre-convived state to entitle us to life. We don’t deserve our life. But we joyfully receive it, and God doesn’t make junk.