The David Spoon Experience 10-13-23 part 2
1) Don't you love early sci-fi movies? They were fantastic. Aliens would land on Earth within seconds, right in the middle of a field. Crowds of people would gather. It was cool, awesome, and totally science fiction. The reason we know it's science fiction isn't because of the aliens, but because of what the aliens said. Remember, angels are aliens to us humans in their own way. But in the sci-fi movies, they said, "Take us to your leaders." In biblical reality, everything is about humble belief. The leaders weren't worthy to hear the message first because they weren't leading to serve.
2)Every time I discuss politics, I cringe with an air of yuck. The scriptures are filled with political engagements between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of men. For those who think that everything should be like Israel, remember that Israel was so unfaithful that God dispersed the entire nation. We're going to examine basic principles, and that is, people who think that life's solutions are political are the very people who need to have their heads examined. You might think that's rude to say, but I didn't say it - God did.
3) Here's a hard pill for some people to swallow. If what I have to say really bothers you, please do me a favor and never read the book of Ruth because then it'll be God who's directly bothering you with His word. As we consider First Samuel, Job, and Ecclesiastes, we find out that there's more to what the Lord allows than we want Him to. Yes, I know certain pastors and teachers try to stay away from teaching the full council. But I won't beg your pardon because God never promised you a rose garden on this planet.
4) Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock. Is that irritating? Somebody get up and answer the door, for crying out loud! That is just going to drive us crazy. So, we venture back into the beautiful Yiddish concept that helps us understand Jesus better. We talk about the incredibly irritating Nagging Power Theory of the Kingdom of God. We jump into it with Samson and Delilah, move over to a parable from Jesus, and close it out with the Sermon on the Mount.