The David Spoon Experience 10-12-22 Part 2
TOP SHOW: 1) Jesus is called the Prince of Peace (from Isaiah 9:6). Therefore, it stands to reason that Jesus may know something about peace. He knows what it takes for there to be peace from nation to nation. He knows what it takes for there to be peace inside a country. He knows what is required for there to be peace between a family. He knows what is needed for there to be peace with God. And He knows what it takes for there to be peace within ourselves. That last one is kind of important, like the one just before it. 2) Mean, mean Dave. Talking about grace and mercy is cool. Talking about sin and wrath is not. Here is my response. Tough. It is not the responsibility of every Christian to help everyone feel groovy all the time. 2 Timothy 4:3 states, For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions. Ouch. And if we turn our backs on God, we can expect a pretty specific and heavy wack to the head by the Divine 2x4. 3) Every temple has pillars as a part of the building. This is true from the first temple designs with Moses to the temple in the New Jerusalem. And it’s also true for the temple of the Holy Spirit, which is you and me. Pillars give structural support. He is some amazing graclets regarding these pillars in our lives. THEY HAVE NAMES!